Privacy Policy

Viella Dance Collection Pty Ltd operating under Australian ABN 47798306655 is committed to the privacy of all site visitors. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to educate site visitors on how information is collected, distributed and disclosed on this website.

By educating our users on their privacy options they can make informed decisions on the level of information they provide. The goal is to provide site visitors with a satisfying experience, providing you with full control over the level of privacy you wish to attain.


Information is collected on the Viella Dance Collection website so we can improve the relevancy of our content and user experience for all site visitors. This type of information collection is anonymous information pertaining to website traffic statistics, including metrics such as how many times a certain page is viewed or what is the most popular browser.

The only personal information collected on this website is when you the visitor provides it to us, typically through using our online contact form. This information is temporarily stored until the Viella Dance Collection team has fully responded to your inquiry or request. We do not disclose any personal information from site visitors to third parties, nor do we keep it on file, to contact you at a later date in the future.


This website utilises a feature of your web browser known as “cookies” to store randomly-assigned information so you have stored past results for future use of the web browser. The purpose of cookies is to allow visitors to resume where they last left.

You may delete cookies stored on your machine via your web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc). You can set this to occur every time you choose to delete your browsing history. Please refer to your web browser documentation on how to manage cookies stored on your machine.


There may be links on our website to other websites to help customers or visitors browsing our site, by providing them with supporting information. Viella Dance Collection is not responsible for the content on these third-party websites. Please be aware that privacy policies on these websites may not match our own.


The contents of this privacy policy may be changed at any given time, at our discretion. Any changes to this policy will be announced on our website.

If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at